(Frequently) asked questions
- Q: What is meant by the training phase?
A: The training phase is intended to prepare or warm up the participants. The training phase is not part of the actual competition. In this phase problems similar to the challenge will be provided and in the later on also the solutions will be provided. This will help the participants to test their algorithms, tools and methods for the actual challenge phase.
- Q: What is meant by the challenge phase?
A: The challenge phase is essentially the actual competition where the performance and the achievements will be evaluated.
- Q: How can I submit my solutions? In which format should I specify them?
A: We have added a section to the how-to guide, which contains all necessary information. Submission is closed now, all solutions have been added to the problem download pages to cross check.
- Q: What is the exact semantics of the LTL formulae when applied to the challenge problems?
A: As this was apparently not clear, we have detailed this on the problems page.
- Q: How to contact us?
A: If you have specific questions, remarks or suggestions, simply email us at info@rers-challenge.org. We will get back to you as soon as possible.