
  • 22/10/16 Solutions uploaded
  • 20/08/16 Parallel problems replaced
  • 07/08/16 Parallel problems released
  • 20/06/16 workshop date annouced
  • 13/06/16 Parallel release announced
  • 01/05/16 Problems up

Important Dates:

  • 09/10/16
       RERS workshop at ISoLA
  • 31/05/16
       Release Ranking Details
  • 01/05/16 - 15/09/16
       Challenge Phase
  • 01/09/16 - 15/09/16
       Solution Submission
  • 07/08/16 - 15/09/16
       Release Parallel Problem

Sequential Problem Download

Training Problems

In preparation for the main challenge we strongly recommend to try your approach on the training problems and the problems of former challenges, which you can find on the training problem page and the sites of earlier challenges!

Sequential Challenge Problems

The RERS Challenge 2016 will provide Benchmark problems of increasing complexity, the more involved of which will probably be beyond any individual state-of-the-art method or tool. The Benchmarks will be synthesized to exhibit chosen properties, and then enhanced in an automated process to cover dedicated dimensions of difficulty, including:

  1. conceptual complexity of the exhibited properties (reachability, safety, liveness),
  2. size of the systems (from a few hundred lines of code to millions of them), and
  3. language features (arrays, indirect addressing, floating point arithmetics, virtual method calls).

The following table lists the categories with the corresponding challenge phases.

Phase Problem Category
01/05/16 - 15/09/16 LTL problems
01/05/16 - 15/09/16 Reachability problems