For information on the submission format (.csv file), please click here.
Apart from submitting an optional description of your approach (evaluation-based award), there are three main submission options to choose from:
- Regular: Achievements will be published if earned. Ranking scores/positions will be published in tracks of your choice.
- Achievements only: Achievements will be published if earned. No participation in the ranking.
- Anonymous: Ranking scores attributed to a generic participant name. No achievements.
Submission E-Mail Template
Dear RERS organizers,Attached to this e-mail you can find our/my submission to the RERS Challenge 2022.
In addition, please find a description of our approach attached as a .pdf-file (submission regarding the evaluation-based award).
Participant information:
- Name_1 (<optional> affilation_1 </optional>)
- Name_2 (<optional> affilation_2 </optional>)
- ...
- Sequential LTL: C99
- Sequential Reachability: C99
- Tool_1
- ...
We/I would like to participate anonymously. We/I are aware that this means that our/my ranking results will be published under a generic name (e.g. “participant A”) on the RERS website and at the RERS event. We/I understand that we/I will not earn any achievements.
We/I have reviewed the different submission options. We/I consent that our/my data corresponding to this submission, including awarded achievements and (if selected) ranking scores, will be published on the RERS website. We/I are/am aware of the possibility to inspect how the results of previous iterations of the RERS Challenge are presented online.
We/I would like to participate in the ranking of the following tracks <delete those that do not apply>:
- Sequential LTL
- Sequential Reachability
We/I would like to not be mentioned in the ranking.
Best regards,
Name_1, ...
If you have completed all (or some) tasks, we kindly request you to submit your solution in a CSV-style format. Solutions for each of the problems should be specified in the following way:
<number1>,<spec1>,<answer1> <number2>,<spec2>,<answer2> ...
- <number> is the problem specification number.
- <spec> is the property specification identifier, where numbers 0 to 99 correspond to the LTL or Reachability properties for each problem or error number respectively.
- <answer> expresses whether or not you believe this error label to be reachable, or the respective LTL property to be satisfied as true/false.
Hence, a line in this file for a hypothetical problem 0 and the error label 37 might look like this:
0, 37, true
Please choose a name for each of the CSV- which clearly identifies the respective problem along with an ID uniquely identifying the solution as yours such as "problemX-<id>.csv". You are free to generate one file for each problem or combine all solutions into a global CSV file. If you split your solutions into several files, please provide them as a ZIP or (compressed) TAR archive.